INtegral Field Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Experiment (INFUSE)
- Mission
- Vehicle
- Launch
- Photos
The science goal for the INFUSE mission was to provide the first wide-field spectral maps of the shock velocity structure in a region of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant.
The death of massive stars in supernovae is a primary driver of the evolution of galaxies, injecting energy and enriched material into the Interstellar Medium (ISM)/circumgalactic medium (CGM)/Intergalactic medium (IGM) that interacts with the surrounding gas to create complex networks of shock filaments. These shocks alter the composition and structure of the ISM, in both the gas and dust phases, which in turn may induce star-formation, heat the ISM, and clear gas and dust lanes for potential LyC escape.
INFUSE will expand on the Dual-channel Extreme Ultraviolet Continuum Experiment (DEUCE) science by studying one mechanism for ionizing radiation to escape into the intergalactic medium (IGM) - the death of massive stars in supernovae with the INFUSE IFS. This first ever FUV IFS will employ advanced new technologies to spectrally map a well-studied region of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant in FUV emission lines that probe a broad range of shock velocities and temperatures.
The Principal Invetigator is Dr. Fleming/University of Colorado.

The Black Brant 9 is a two stage sounding rocket with a Terrier first stage and Black Brant second stage. The Black Brant 9 can reach altitudes of about 600 km. Payloads weighing from 400 to 1200 pounds can be flown.

The INFUSE mission was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on October 29, 2023.